Tuesday, September 01, 2009

imagine getting paid $790 a month for staring at the sea, listening to the radio, for 12 hours a day, 4 days a week. Well, 2 night shifts, 2 day shifts.

Sounds good? that's exactly what i've been doing for the past 2 weeks.. and another week next week. and it's totally boring -_-

if you're wondering why i haven't been posting anything on my blog.. it's because nothing's interesting been happening in my life. and i've kinda lost the spark to blog, the sudden inspiration that comes and generates a blog post automatically.
Not to mention i havent been hanging around big social groups, and haven't been camwhoring with random ppl (i think my sonic ericsson 5 MP phone is fossilizing) and so don't have any photos to post either.
And lastly, and probably the most accurate reason, is that i'm playing WoW.

i promise, once i get that spark, that inspiration back that leads my fingers running over the keyboard easily, i'll be blogging more again. till then.. follow my twitter or something :p